Acne can be a very troublesome condition and if you’ve been suffering from acne, there may be times when you feel as if there is nothing you can do to relieve it. There are, however, a number of things you can do to alleviate your acne. This article will give you some ideas on how to do so.
In some cases, acne can be a major inconvenience.
To minimize your acne, it is best to wash your face daily with a specific face wash that is compatible with your skin. Doing so keeps your pores clean and the dirt off your face. For the best results, wash your face twice a day.
Acne tips based on prevention can be very effective. One tip that many find to be beneficial is drinking plenty of water. Drinking at least eight glasses a day can help keep your body, and of course your skin, hydrated. A healthy complexion begins with well hydrated skin.
If you wish to use a natural toner for dealing with acne, you can use vinegar. Vinegar, which is acidic in nature, will clean and tighten pores just like any over the counter toner, and help maintain the pH balance of the skin. Apply after cleansing the face.
Egg whites provide a great natural remedy to acne.
Simply break an egg or two and separate the whites from the yolks. Lightly beat the whites until bubbles start forming. Apply the egg whites lightly to the skin as a mask or strictly to affected areas and let sit for about an hour, then rinse afterwards. The egg whites tighten skin and dries existing acne.
Garlic is an antioxidant, and antioxidants help fight acne. The antioxidants in garlic combat toxins in the body. Drink a little garlic juice or spread some on your morning bagel in your efforts to ward off acne.
To avoid acne problems, try to be aware of touching your face with your hands and then, stop it! Constantly touching your face with your hands, resting your head on your hand when bored or resting your chin on your hands while sleeping, transfers the day’s bacteria and oils built up on your hands to your face, re-clogging and infecting pores.
Did you know that dry skin can break out too?
Make sure you keep your skin well moisturized. You can determine your skin type on your own or with the help of a dermatologist. Regardless of your skin type, a proper moisturizer will help replenish anything you lose when you clean your skin, making it easier to rebound from bad blemishes.
For athletes who struggle with acne, remember that sweat can clog your pores and increase break-outs. To mitigate damage to your skin caused by lingering sweat (especially from helmet buckles and pressing football chin-straps), wipe your face as often as possible while playing. Also, try to gain access to water and rinse your face, as time allows.
An important tip to consider regarding acne is understanding exactly what it is and what causes it. This is important for prevention and for your own mental health, because acne is only partially due to your daily hygiene. Acne is caused when your oil glands become clogged. In addition to having dirty skin, having skin cells that shed in an uneven fashion can also cause acne.
If you have a severe case of acne, consider speaking to your doctor about using antibiotics to treat your skin problem.
Antibiotics target the bacteria in your skin, which helps to get rid of your acne and leaves your skin looking great. Be aware that there can be side effects from the medication, including dryness and sensitivity to light.
It is important to wash your face after you work out so that you do not get a bad breakout. Many times people forget that the sweat they produce while working out contains oils that can cause skin to breakout. Washing your face right after working out will cut down on your chances of a breakout.
A great tip that can help prevent you from getting acne is to wash your hair. Hair can contain a lot of bacteria and if it touches your face you can get acne. Washing the skin around your hairline is important too because a lot of oil develops there.
Wash your pillows and sheets, or at least sleep on clean sheets.
Sheets and pillows can be places where face oil and hair oil can accumulate; by laying your head down on the oily sheets and pillows you rub the oil across your face and promote the development of acne. By keeping these sleeping accoutrements clean you can help prevent blackhead production.
By now you should have realized that no matter how upsetting your acne may be, there are plenty of ways you can find relief from it. If you make use of the tips you’ve read in this article, you should soon experience a welcome relief from even the most annoying case of acne.